Monday, October 19, 2009


Hello Fellow Entrepreneurs,


Yaro Starak has written one of the best
reports I've ever read on how to profit
by creating and then selling your own
information product.

His report is called the Membership Site
Masterplan and as you would guess, it is a
step-by-step guide for launching a profitable
online membership site.

You can download the report from here:

Yaro's a great teacher and writer, and whenever
he releases a report people always eagerly await
what he has to say.

His gift is the ability to take complex subjects
and make them very easy to understand. As you will
see in this report, Yaro makes the process of
setting up and profiting from a membership site so
easy, anyone can do it, including you.

The Masterplan doesn't disappoint, and once again
Yaro has not held anything back. This is a report
that is full of CONTENT, it's not some
hype-filled document just designed to sell a
product and not really teach you anything.

In the Masterplan Yaro explains how he was able to
make $250,000 from just one membership site and
then goes on to lay out a plan so you can launch
your own membership site and earn at least
$100,000 within the next 12 months.

In the report Yaro takes you through the following

- How to find topics for a membership site

- How to develop preeminence, which means people
choose to join your membership site over all the
other options

- What sources of traffic Yaro uses to bring
members to his site and build his list

- What technology Yaro uses to deliver content
(this is so simple, anyone can do it)

- How to make money from a membership site BEFORE
you create the content for it

- How to fill your membership site with hundreds
of new members in a matter of days by conducting a
powerful, yet simple, launch campaign

- and much more...

Download the Masterplan here:

This is by far the most comprehensive report I've
ever seen on this topic and I can't believe Yaro
is willing to give it away.

Of course Yaro hasn't put all this work into the
report for nothing. He's launching a training
program next week and this report is designed to
introduce you to his teachings.

That being said, this report is a complete
document - no matter whether you decide to join
Yaro's program or not, you will benefit greatly
from this report, I know I did.

If you're thinking of selling something online, a
membership site is definitely the top choice. A
product that you sell once, yet continues to
deliver income month after month, is by far the
best business model.

But listen, I don't need to convince you of this,
read the Masterplan. Yaro has put together a very
compelling story and followed it up with a very
detailed plan so you can do it yourself.

Go get your copy now -

Good luck with your membership site!


P.S. You can download an audio MP3 version of the
Masterplan too, again at no cost. If you prefer to
listen in the car or on your ipod as you run
about, you will appreciate this audio file.

You can go register for both versions here -

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Internet Marketing Seminar

Hi Everyone,

I just returned from developing a dynamic
Internet Marketing Seminar

It will be released this month with video training, video sales techniques and MORE!!!

If you think the economy is in the tank...think again!
Internet Marketing and Internet Sales have


I will be uploading several important links to special affiliates of mine. Look for them and pay them a visit. You'll profit from everyone of them.

My new blogs and web-pages are almost done. Going to launch them shortly. won't want to miss the next two posts. If there ever was a reason to follow this Blog then it will be in the next posts. I have unleashed the "mother" of all "affiliate" programs for every entrepreneur who wants success!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Putting The “Service” Back In “Customer Service”

The future of customer service is here. Technology has made seeking out support faster and easier than ever. But, has your digital age company sacrificed true service in the name of automation?

Today, finding customer support is as simple as writing an e-mail or picking up the phone. But, even though you’re not face-to-face with your customers, you still leave a lasting impression. Do you come across as caring and competent, or menacing and mechanical?

Offering stand-out service on the Internet isn’t as hard as it is rare. Take these simple steps towards old-style service in the digital age:

  1. Give Each Customer a Personal Response
  2. Be Clear, But Sincere
  3. Offer Live Customer Support
  4. Make Sure Your Support Reps Have All the Answers

Give Each Customer a Personal Response

    When a customer sits down to e-mail your company, it’s because he needs help. He chooses e-mail because it’s quick, but his request still warrants a satisfying and personal response!

    Companies eager to save time and money often take automation too far in their customer support. Each customer has a unique question, and deserves a unique answer. Even if you save time by copying and pasting stock replies, change the opening and closing to make the message sound less robotic.

Be Clear, But Sincere

    When responding to customers’ e-mail, be sincere and to the point. Before sending a message, try turning the tables. Ask yourself, “Would this answer satisfy me if I were the customer?”

    Take that extra moment to give your customer the help he deserves. It might mean the difference between a satisfied customer and a credit card chargeback!

Offer Live Customer Support

    E-mail has become an acceptable form of communication. But, live customer support is still necessary. The plethora of information available online can be overwhelming to customers, especially those new to the Internet!

    Single your company out from the crowd by providing customers with a real person to talk to. Live phone support is an invaluable way to foster trust. When your customer has reached the end of his Internet rope, and just needs help, your toll free number is the answer he’s looking for.

Make Sure Your Support Reps Have All The Answers

    The presence of phone support will do no good if your staff doesn’t know your product! Customer support reps should be warm and friendly, and willing to help with any aspect of your product.

    What a good feeling it is to talk to someone who feels confident in his product. It’s even better if he’s knowledgeable enough to solve your problem without transferring you all around the company!

Provide Stand-Out Service; Gain Lifelong Customers

    Too many e-businesses skimp on customer service, hiding behind web sites and message boards. Customer support is an integral part of every company, even those operating solely online. Be one of the few to offer stellar service, and gain customers for life!

Monday, May 18, 2009

90-Second Website Builder!

Everyone Wants a Website!

Click on this picture.

Need a Website?
Don't know HTML?
Afraid you'll "screw it up"?

This is the World's Fastest and Easiest Website Builder!
Try it NOW! Click on the picture AD above to try it Now!

or Click here to

Try AWeber Email Marketing Risk-Free

Try AWeber Email Marketing Risk-Free

Spam: Where it Came From, and How to Escape It

AWeber - Email Marketing Made Easy

Spam: Where it Came From, and How to Escape It

Posted by Tom Kulzer (AWeber CEO)

In 1936, long before the rise of the personal computer, Hormel Foods created SPAM. In 2002, the company will produce it’s six billionth can of the processed food product. But that mark was passed long ago in the world of Internet spam.

Who Cooked This!? (How did it all start?)

The modern meaning of the word “spam” has nothing to do with spiced ham. In the early 1990’s, a skit by British comedy group Monty Python led to the word’s common usage. “The SPAM Skit” follows a couple struggling to order dinner from a menu consisting entirely of Hormel’s canned ham.

Repetition is key to the skit’s hilarity. The actors cram the word “SPAM” into the 2.5 minute skit more than 104 times! This flood prompted Usenet readers to call unwanted newsgroup postings “spam.” The name stuck.

Spammers soon focused on e-mail, and the terminology moved with them. Today, the word has come out of technical obscurity. Now, “spam” is the common term for “Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail”, or “UCE.”

Why Does Bad Spam Happen to Good People?

Chances are, you’ve been spammed before. Somehow, your e-mail address has found it’s way into the hands of a spammer, and your inbox is suffering the consequences. How does this happen? There are several possibilities.

Backstabbing Businesses
Businesses often keep lists of their customers’ e-mail addresses. This is a completely legitimate practice and, usually, nothing bad comes of it. Sometimes though, the temptation to make a quick buck is too great, and these lists are sold or rented to outside advertisers. The result? A lot of unsolicited e-mail, and a serious breach of trust.

Random Address Generation

Computer programs called random address generators simply “guess” e-mail addresses. Over 100 million hotmail addresses exist - howhard could it be to guess some of them? Unfortunately for many unsuspecting netizens - not too hard. Many spammers also guess at

“standard” addresses, like “”,

“”, and “”

Web Spiders

Today’s most insidious list-gathering tools are web spiders. All of the major search engines spider the web, saving information about each page. Spammers use tools that also spider the web, but save any e-mail address they come across. Your personal web page lists your e-mail address? Prepare for an onslaught!

Chat Room Harvesting

ISP’s offer vastly popular chat rooms where users are known only by their screen names. Of course, spammers know that your screen name is the first part of your e-mail address. Why waste time guessing e-mail addresses when a few hours of lurking in a chat room can net a list of actively-used addresses?

The Poor Man’s Bad Marketing Idea

It didn’t work for the phone companies, and it won’t work for e-mail marketers. But, some spammers still keep their own friends-and-family-style e-mail lists. Compiled from the addresses of other known spammers, and people or businesses that the owner has come across in the past, these lists are still illegitimate. Why? Only you can give someone permission to send you e-mail. A friend-of-a-friend’s permission won’t cut it.

Stop The Flood to Your Inbox

Already drowning in spam? Try using your e-mail client’s filters - many provide a way to block specific e-mail addresses. Each time you’re spammed, block the sender’s address. Spammers skip from address to address, and you may be on many lists, but this method will at least slow the flow.

Also, use more than one e-mail address, and keep one “clean.” Many netizens find that this technique turns the spam flood into a trickle. Use one address for only spam-safe activities like e-mailing your friends, or signing on with trustworthy businesses. Never use your clean address on the web! Get a free address to use on the web and in chat rooms.

If nothing else helps, consider changing screen names, or opening an entirely new e-mail account. When you do, you’ll start with a clean, spam-free slate. This time, protect your e-mail address!

Stay Off Spammed Lists in the Future

Want to surf the web without getting sucked into the spam-flood? Prevention is your best policy. Don’t use an easy-to-guess e-mail address. Keep your address clean by not using it for spam-centric activities. Don’t post it on any web pages, and don’t use it in chat rooms or newsgroups.

Before giving your clean e-mail address to a business, check the company out. Are sections of its user agreement dedicated to anti-spam rules? Does a privacy policy explain exactly what will be done with your address? The most considerate companies also post an anti-spam policy written in plain English, so you can be absolutely sure of what you’re getting into.

Think You’re Not a Spammer? Be Sure.

Many a first-time marketer has inadvertently spammed his audience. The first several hundred complaints and some nasty phone messages usually stop him in his tracks. But by then, the spammer may be faced with cleanup bills from his ISP, and a bad reputation that it’s not easy to overcome.

The best way to avoid this situation is to have a clear understanding of what spam is: If anyone who receives your mass e-mails did not specifically ask to hear from you, then you are spamming them.

Stick with your gut. Don’t buy a million addresses for $10, no matter how much the seller swears by them! If something sounds fishy, just say no. You’ll save yourself a lot in the end.

The Final Blow

The online world is turning the tide on spam. In the end, people will stop sending spam because it stops working. Do your part: never buy from a spammer. When your business seeks out technology companies with which to work, only choose those with a staunch anti-spam stance.

Spam has a long history in both the food and e-mail sectors. This year, Hormel Foods opened a real-world museum dedicated to SPAM. While the museum does feature the Monty Python SPAM Skit, there’s no word yet on an unsolicited commercial e-mail exhibit. But, if all upstanding netizens work together, Hormel’s ham in a can will far outlive the Internet plague that is UCE.

Want to get in on the action? Spread the word about your marketing program with AWeber. Click on this link to sign up:

AWeber - Email Marketing Made Easy

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Want to make some easy money? All you have to do is refer people to this site and start earning 2nd-tier commissions on everything your referrals sell! Best part? You don’t have to do ANY work-it's literally "set and forget" as the commission checks start rolling in!

Go to ---------

Hello Friends,

I know you’ve been struggling to find an affiliate program that actually takes you by the hand and HELPS you to become successful.

I recently heard about Russell Brunson’s new TheSecondTier and I think it might be just what you’re looking for.

If you haven’t heard about TheSecondTier before, it provides unique, innovative promotional tools in addition to being the web’s top affiliate training center.

I’ve personally been part of TheSecondTier for a while now and it’s like an online affiliate club... members only! And the members ever pampered!

I knew you’d be interested so I included a link to TheSecondTier so you could check it out:

No where else will you find such powerful resources in one place and for free! It doesn’t matter what level you’re at as an internet marketer because TheSecondTier will train you to become an overpaid super affiliate.

If you want to know more about this awesome new resource, click here:

For me personally the Second Tier has been more effective than any other resource I have found.

I highly recommend creating your personal membership (FREE) now!

Mark Zupo

P.S. You'll also get unlimited access their live training calls every monday morning.

Get the Secrets to Making Money Online

DotComSecrets Home Study

This is the "no-holds-barred" course based on the "closed-door" $10,000-per-head seminar Russell put on a couple years ago. Some described this event as a life-changing experience and you can get all of Russell's internet marketing teachings for a fraction of what it would cost for a year of college!

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are having a good day. I just wanted to ask you a quick question:

Have you ever wondered who to trust in internet marketing?

This may sound like a simple question, but it's an important one. Why? Well, because there is a world of opportunity out there for someone who has the right amount of desire and dedication.

That said, it's this opportunity that fosters a huge group of scammers and con-artists. You know...people who love to take
advamtage of unsuspecting customers in order to make a quick buck.

Heck, there are times when you don't know who to trust! I could
probably name about 7 internet marketers I trust enough to send
them my hard-earned money.

One of those internet marketers on my short list is Russell Brunson.

Russell's the real deal. He took a measly little one-man internet marketing business and turned it into a muli-employees marketing powerhouse.

And, get this, a LOT of his success came when he was working
out of his a dorm room in college. And what's even more remarkable is that Russell did all this withonly an HOUR to invest in his business...due to classes and wrestling practice.

You could imagine that, if you only had an hour to work per day
on your business, you'd have to hone your focus like a laser beam and toss out information that doesn't allow you to reach your goals.

It's this exact SAME focus that allowed Russell to humiliate his
competitors and take his online business into the money zone!

For the first time, Russell tells you how he did it (and how you can too!) in his DotComSecrets course:

This course is jam-packed with everything you need to start taking your online business on the path of wealth and prosperity.

Believe me, there's a LOT of content here! It took me a solid week to get through everything. The price is a little expensive, but the time it would take me to "figure it out" by buying a bunch of ebooks and browsing internet forums to try to
"piecemeal" it together...the course is priceless!

So, head on over to:

And learn the blueprint from someone who's making serious money online.

Have a profitable day.
Mark Zupo

I12-Month Internet Millionaire

I told you that I would bring you the hottest and most profitable business secrets and this one is one of the best!

Check this out-----------

12 Month Internet Millionaire

Ever wanted to discover how a convicted felon made over 77 million dollars in a year? Russell Brunson interview Vince James in 6-hours of what some call the greatest marketing interview ever! It's not very often you can tap into the brain of a millionaire and legally steal his secrets for your OWN business!

Hi Everyone,

I hope you're having a profitable day today.

One of the things that really frustrates me is
the fact that most of the internet marketing
products that come out are either the same' ol
rehashed material or don't live up to their

I cannot count the number of times I've bought
ebooks that were full of double-spaced fluff.

Check this out: internet marketer Russell
Brunson has released a FREE Video with none
other than Vince James...the guy who made
77 million in a single year with techniques
most people DON'T know.

This video is packed with info you simply
haven't heard from anybody else. Even Russell
himself said the info Vince revealed filled in
the gaps of his $100,000 marketing library.

Pretty cool, eh?

So head on over to:

...and see what the fuss is about.

Get this: Russell held onto this video for
2 1/2 years and used the material to catapult
his business into the stratosphere. It can do the
same for you too.

So take action today and go to:

Take care,

Mark Zupo

P.S. The great Gary Halbert had this to say about
Vince Jame's marketing savvy: "Believe it or not,
much of this information is so electrifying;
it was unknown even to me." Here's your chance to
find out what he's talking about...

Go to----------


Free DVD! Get it NOW

This is where it all started! My friend (very rich friend)Russell bared his business in front of 100's of internet marketers during a "closed-session" presentation. The secrets he shared revealed how he turned a mere $20 into a million-dollar a year business-while his college classmates were fighting for entry-level jobs!

You gotta see this---------------

Do You Suck at Making Money???

Do You Suck At Making Money?

"Do You Suck At Making Money" is a cool product that teaches people how to make money giving away free stuff. It was created by Zoobie the Internet Marketing Newbie who royally sucks at making money online-but when he discovered these untold secrets, he started making major moolah! Here is an opportunity to change you luck into success!

Go to this site NOW!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Major Announcement

SUBJECT: Major Announcement!!

How can you make money with you own fullproof teleseminar system?
How can you make money promoting your own fullproof teleseminar system?
Why aren't you making money from your own fullproof teleseminar system?

* Do you do team-meetings via phone? How to Start on TIME
* Do you do outsourcing? How to Make calls w/ vendors more EFFICIENT
* Do you do phone-interviews? How to Call your guest and RECORD
* Do you do big sales calls? How to Call forgetful hosts INSTANTLY
* Do you do small sales-calls? How to Call missing PROSPECTS
* Do you do podcasts? How to Make your life EASIER
* Do you do phone-masterminds? How to Keep the group TOGETHER
* Do you do teleseminars? How to Dial guests like a RADIO SHOW HOST
* Do you do small-group coaching? How to Stop losing CLIENTS
* Do you do work from home? How to Increase your PRODUCTIVITY
* Do you have virtual employees? How to Stay in TOUCH

My friend and associate Rick Raddatz is launching another new service.
This time it's a conference call service with features never seen before and he's
letting me (us) in on the ground floor of this huge opportunity!

Check it out here:

If you don't know who Rick Raddatz is, he's a
former Microsoft product designer who started his own company. Every year or two he comes out
with a major new produt that raises the bar in a different product category.

This new service 'NConnects' is in pre-launch phase. He's giving away $500k worth of free
service during the pre-launch contests he's running. Can you believe it?

Again, check it out here:

I will always bring you the finest of cutting edge products and opportunities to
help you build your business and be successful.

Check it out!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

XioSoft Marketing Program Alert!


Check out this link to my XioSoft program for marketing you business on the internet.

Click this link to start and then the specific links below.

"Instant Teleseminar Program"

"Instant Audio Program"

"Finalcial Services Links"

Don't waste a minute to get involved in your direct marketing programs and efforts to succeed. Power, Perserverence and Perspiration make it HAPPEN!

Monday, April 20, 2009

7-Tips to Market Your brand in This Economy!

Just In!
Stay tuned for this important blog post during the week of April 27th. The time is now to make your all-important web presence to promote YOU! it correctly. It is more important than ever to get the maximum out of your marketing efforts when the economy lags behind your goals.

Your IROI, "Internet Return On Investment" is necessary to, "keep you hot when times are not!"

New FREE WebBlog Seminar

Check out these titles;

:An Internet Marketing Expert
:An Cruise Ship Seminar Speaker
:An Internet Business Consultant
:Tele-Seminar Secrets to Drive in Traffic
:Make Real Money on the Internet

and many more.............

Join us here for these and many more exciting Blog Post FREE lessons. They will be posted one every day until, well, until I run out of subjects and I don't think that will happen soon!

Feel free to share this blog with friends and relatives. I am here to educate and entertain you along the path to becoming financially independent and a valued resource.

Mark Zupo... Edu-Tainer

P.S. Let me know your thoughts. Tell me what you want to learn about. keep it related to Internet subjects but share your experiences and expertise.

FREE! http:/

Coming Soon

We have acquired several experts in the Internet Marketing arena to be guests on the Learn And Earn System Blog to add their expertise and experiences. Several topics will be discussed like;
1.) How to convert your blog posts to a new book!
2.) The ins and outs of producing your own product based on your life experiences!
3.) The power of blogging!
4.) How to become an "Infopreneur" entrepreneur!
5.) How to develop a Blogging for Business mentality and drive traffic to your website!
6.) How to create a demand for your blog posts as a credible source of information!
7.) How to make money, "monetize", your blog!
8.) How your insights and opinions position you as an expert in your field!
9.) How to enlist your competition to post on your blog as a trusted follower!

and finally,

10.) How to position your blog as a business in itself, bringing in money from advertising and product sales.

I am a firm believer that a blog is your best friend and trusted ally. It can promote products and offer free samples like free chapters of your book, tutorials, white papers, and Teleseminars. Another valuable avenue is "affiliate" programs. Here, essentially you get paid to promote other people's products and services within the theme of your blog.

Keep looking here for dates and schedules for these latest blog posts. Giving you the information to point you to your success and independence are my goals. Stay tuned!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Secrets to Profitable Blogging

Ok, so why blog? Just for the fun or with purpose? I'll tell you that no-one should Blog without purpose. In my case, it is a tool to facilitate my business. Although the direction might change over time, the purpose remains steadfast, business!

My Blog is a direct part of my business strategy. My intention is to establish a leadership focus and a mentor's engagement for my students and followers alike. I intend to increase awareness of my company, my skills and my willingness to teach and mentor anyone who asks. I am passionate about the Internet and its global ability to link people who I may never meet but with whom I can connect and possibly do business with.

I expect to deliver my ability to follow cutting-edge current events and analyze the ability for anyone to capitalize on them and profit from what I know and what I can teach you. I firmly believe that the entrepreneurial spirit will keep electronic business strong and will provide for anyone willing to subscribe to the 'Learn and Earn System". I will build trust and earn your respect in an effort to freely deliver the content that you want and the content that will "JumpStart" your successful venture in electronic marketing. PS. Look for my "JumpStart Seminars" posting. You won't want to miss this electrifying educational seminar that could "JumpStart" you newest electronic business venture.

I am looking forward to a great relationship with you. I want only to feed you valuable information that will "JumpStart" you to a new entrepreneurial venture, build a lasting relationship make us allies in the battle to be financially free and independent business owners.

Up and Running!

Hello everyone! Thank you all for your support, patience and encouragement. My new blog is up and running and ready to provide you links and valuable information that will keep you informed about methods to increase your income using the Internet, educate you in every system to drive traffic to you and your products and services and support you with mentoring and guidance along the way. I am looking forward to giving you everything you need to start and profit from your own Internet Business!